Two people looking at dents on a 车 in a parking lot.


了解如何计算汽车pp王者电子官网, what factors affect your rates 和 what you can do to help lower costs.

我们将从如何开始讨论 汽车pp王者电子官网 费率是计算出来的. 然后我们将仔细研究为什么年龄和地理位置等因素会影响你支付的价格.

How do 汽车pp王者电子官网 companies determine rates?

汽车pp王者电子官网费率通常是通过评估pp王者电子官网单承保的风险来确定的. 风险 是通过使用 概率 of a particular event occurring 和 the potential 影响 关于那个事件.

  • 概率 —基于历史数据的特定事件发生的可能性.
    例如: to determine the 概率 of a 车 accident, 比如你的年龄, 位置和你的驾驶行为可以用来估计发生事故的可能性.
  • 影响 – This refers to the consequences or severity of the event if it were to occur.
    例如:车祸的严重程度可以用财产损失来衡量, 人身伤害和经济损失.

By considering the 概率 和 影响 of certain events, 汽车pp王者电子官网公司可以评估投保的风险大小,并相应地调整其费率. 通常情况下, 更高的风险=更高的利率, 低风险=低利率.





当你的年龄在25岁到65岁之间时,你的车祸率可能会更低,因为这个年龄段的司机总体上发生事故的几率更低. 另一方面, you might have higher rates when you’re 25岁以下 或者超过65岁,因为发生事故和持续受伤的可能性增加.


W在这里 you live can influence how often you’ll be exposed to potential risks such as 事故, 盗窃 和破坏公物. The more risks you could be exposed to, higher your rates may be.

For example, your rates will typically be higher if you live in an area with 交通拥挤 潜在的风险比. 一个交通较少,风险较小的地区.


你的 驾驶记录 是一个重要的因素,因为它可以表明你有多大可能从事危险驾驶行为.

例如, 在你的记录上有几张超速罚单可能会导致更高的费率,因为这表明有更高的风险要投保. 另一方面, 有一个干净的驾驶记录可以帮助你降低费率,因为它表明你是一个负责任的司机,有安全的驾驶习惯.



The more claims you have on your record, higher your rates could be. Which means the fewer claims you have on your record, better chance you’ll have of keeping your rates down.



Driving less frequently means you’re less likely to be exposed to risk, 所以每周开几英里比每天开两小时的费用要低, 一周5天.


大多数州 allow insurers to review credit information. 你的信用特征是相关的,因为它会影响你的信用pp王者电子官网评分, which is one of the factors many companies use when assessing your risk. 较低的信用pp王者电子官网评分通常会导致较高的利率,因为它与较高的损失可能性相关.


你的 车辆 will determine the estimated cost of claims repair or replacement. Generally, higher the cost, higher your rates will be as a result.

一些功能,如防抱死刹车和 防盗设备 may help reduce your rates; however, it’s important to note that others, such as 先进的安全功能 装有防撞传感器, 可能会增加你的费用,因为他们依靠的技术往往比传统的同行更昂贵的维修或更换.

你的 policy 报道s, limits 和 deductibles

最后这三个因素可以让你更好地控制你的利率,因为它们的影响取决于你选择的金额. 大多数州都要求最低数量的 报道, 但除此之外, 这取决于您选择所需的pp王者电子官网范围,以帮助保护您的资产和风险.

  • 报道 – This refers to the types of losses that are included in your insurance policy.
    例如: 碰撞的报道 帮助支付修理或更换您的车辆,如果它与其他车辆或物体碰撞. 而 全面的覆盖 帮助支付修理或更换您的车辆,如果它是由其他东西损坏,而不是碰撞, 比如盗窃, 火灾或破坏公物.
  • 限制 -这是pp王者电子官网单为承保的损失或损害所支付的最高金额.
  • 可扣除的 -这是在pp王者电子官网公司帮助支付费用之前你自付的金额, 在覆盖范围内.


Now that we’ve discussed the main factors that can affect your amount of risk, let’s explore some ways you may be able to help lower your 汽车pp王者电子官网 rates:

想了解更多信息? 考虑和代理人谈谈!

你的 当地州立农场代理 能帮你解释不同类型的pp王者电子官网和选择,并帮助你制定一个最适合你情况的个性化计划吗.

Now that you have learned about some of the factors that affect 汽车pp王者电子官网 rates, 你可能想了解更多 information to include on auto insurance 应用程序lications, 汽车pp王者电子官网欺诈费用 or 肇事逃逸后该怎么做.

返回参考文献 1 Discounts may exceed 30% 和 vary state-to-state (NY c应用程序ed at 30%). 不适用于CA, MA, RI. 根据个人事实和情况,在北卡罗来纳州可能无法获得折扣. 设置要求.

返回参考文献 2 通过发送SAVE到42407的短信来检查手机的资格,以获得下载该应用程序的链接. 如果您的手机不符合要求,您将无法下载该应用程序.

返回参考文献 3 Discounts 和 their availability may vary by state 和 eligibility requirements. Contact your 状态 Farm agent to confirm eligibility for the program.

返回参考文献 4 Customers may always choose to purchase only one policy, 但购买两次或两次以上不同险种的折扣将不适用. 储蓄,折扣名称,百分比,可用性和资格可能因州而异.

Prices are based on rating plans that vary by state. 覆盖选项由客户选择,可用性和资格可能有所不同.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable 和 accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect 报道 under any 应用程序licable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company
状态 Farm 人寿pp王者电子官网 Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI)
状态 Farm 生活 和 Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY 和 WI)

状态 Farm County Mutual pp王者电子官网 Company of Texas





T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



了解覆盖范围限制, 碰撞与综合, 免赔额和其他重要的条款来帮助你决定多少钱是合适的,以及如何节省.

帮助ful 汽车pp王者电子官网 tips for college students

When your child goes away to a college 和 leaves their 车 behind,re are options to lower your insurance premiums while they're away.

