

当你准备买一辆电动汽车时, 我们有一些关于收费信息的问题可以问你.

……当然有好处 插电式电动车, but t在这里 is at least one significant reason to give pause: Their purchase cost is more than their traditional gas-powered cousins. 从长远来看,最初的花费值得吗? Consider these electric car questions and answers before buying an electric 车辆 (EV).


EVs are electric 车辆s that gain some or all of their power from electricity. 有四种基本类型:

  • 全电动汽车(EV或BEV)这种车依靠大电池,完全不使用汽油.
  • 插电式混合动力汽车它可以由电力和天然气驱动.
  • 燃料电池电动车(FCEV), which utilize a system of cells that use hydrogen gas and oxygen from the air to produce electricity.
  • 混合动力汽车(HEV)它利用燃气发动机和利用电池储存能量的马达.


电动汽车, 包括混合和插件, have seen their popularity increase with more auto manufacturers expanding their offerings. The differences between electric and traditional gas are primarily in cost of ownership and the overall ownership experience. And the differences are significant enough that when it comes to purchasing an EV, 你需要问不同的问题.


How you drive and your lifestyle needs will be key questions as you start looking at buying a new EV. In addition to knowing how many miles the 车辆 you are looking to buy runs on a single charge, 以下是需要考虑的几个方面.


  • Will it meet your needs when it comes to carrying your friends, family, groceries and other cargo?
  • Will you need child safety seats and will the back seat have enough space to easily allow installation?
  • Do you play golf or another sport that will require a car with larger cargo space to fit bigger equipment bags?


  • 你将如何给你的电动汽车充电?
    • 你需要安装家庭充电站吗?
    • 你工作的地方或普通的杂货店里有公共电动汽车充电站吗?
    • 你知道是什么等级吗, 2或3)充电站在哪里,给你的电动汽车充电需要多长时间?
  • 一辆充电速度更快的电动汽车值得付出额外的代价吗?
  • Do you live in a cold-weather state w在这里 temperature could be a factor in how many miles the car can operate on a charge?
  • Will you need a gas-powered 车辆 as a backup for such things as long road trips?
  • 混合动力车还是插电式混合动力车对你来说更实用?

而加油站有很多,可以为汽油发动机驱动的汽车加油, 寻找公共充电站仍然是一个挑战, 尤其是当你旅行的时候.


While all-electric 车辆s don’t require regular oil changes like cars and hybrids with gas engines, EVs will still need regular 车辆 maintenance items such as tire rotations and brake repairs. You’ll also want to know about the service life of the battery pack for the model of EV you are looking at and how much it costs to replace it. 目前,该服务 电池组的使用寿命在8-10年之间 在极端气候地区,甚至在温和气候地区,时间更长.


  • 你会拥有电动汽车多久,你会购买还是租赁?
  • Are t在这里 any 政府ernment rebates or tax credits offered to offset the increased price of an EV?

联邦税收抵免 新电动汽车和插电式混合动力车的价格通常从1美元起,000 to $7,500, 取决于车辆型号和电池大小. Some utility companies provide special rates, and many states offer their own incentives.


购买二手电动汽车可能对你的预算更有意义. 除了询问客舱和货舱的情况, 收费和维护费用, 你会想问:

  • 电池的剩余寿命是多少?
  • 这个旧电池的续航里程和新电池一样吗?
  • How much will it cost to replace the battery pack when it’s reached the end of its service life?


Much like with any car purchase, t在这里 are always advantages and disadvantages. As you weigh the decision, 在这里 is a quick rundown of some of the pros and cons:


  • 节省汽油和维修费用
  • 可能的税收抵免或退税
  • 对环境的影响较小
  • 更高的性能,更灵敏的加速
  • 更短的通勤时间——电动汽车可能被允许使用拼车车道


  • 更高的前期成本
  • 有限的范围
  • 充电时间长
  • 可能会增加pp王者电子官网费用
  • 更高的公用事业成本


今天的大多数电动汽车都可以行驶 充满电行驶了200多英里 当以较低的速度行驶时(例如在城市行驶). Highway driving consumes battery reserve faster and may result in a range that is significantly less than what is advertised. 而且仍然有一些车型优先考虑性能而不是范围. 增程式电动汽车(erev)可以增加更多的里程, 插电式混合动力车, 还有一个油箱作为备用, 增加范围, 太. 记住:增加一台发动机意味着增加汽油成本和发动机维护费用, 包括换油, 哪些普通电动汽车不需要.


在家里给电动汽车充电的几个选择, 但前期费用从1美元到1美元不等,000 to $2,500或更多, depending on what features the electric 车辆 charging station is equipped with. 而你可以用一级充电站, 大多数房主选择投资二级车站. Some EV owners also invest in solar panel charging, for environmental and monetary reasons.


  • 1级 – Typically, these chargers are included with the car and use 120-volt outlets. 给一辆车充满电可能需要24小时.
  • 2级 -业主通常选择这种类型的充电站. 这些需要一个240伏的插座,可以携带或安装.
  • 3级 -这是你在公共场合看到的商业类型.


平均电动汽车需要 大约35千瓦时(kWh),行驶100英里. 虽然成本一直在波动,但我们假设全国平均水平为 15¢/千瓦时一共是5美元.每100英里25美元,平均15英里每年788美元,每年行驶1000英里的司机, 主要在家里充电. 相比之下,假设每加仑汽油行驶25英里,一辆汽油驱动的汽车每年的费用为2082美元 $3.47 /加仑. 把你当地的能源成本算进去 个性化这些数字.


随着最近电动汽车涌入市场, 似乎不会有足够的充电站. 截至2022年11月,目前有超过 56,000个公共充电站 across the United 状态s, though availability varies widely depending on w在这里 you live. 然而, 2021年底签署的基础设施法案 旨在使充电站在全国范围内更容易使用. 账单中包括7美元.5 billion dedicated to building a nationwide network of electric 车辆 charging stations. 访问 ”.能源.政府 查看您所在地区的可用性.


根据 EPA发表的研究报告, 车辆使用寿命内产生的温室气体排放总量, 包括制造业, 比一辆汽油车使用寿命产生的排放量少吗. While it’s true that powering EVs with electricity may create some emissions and manufacturing an EV’s battery can create more carbon pollution than creating a gasoline car, 这些排放被驾驶电动汽车所节省的终身排放所抵消. These environmental savings can go even further if the electric battery is recycled.


Consider your personal mix of highway and city driving and what you would like to use the 车辆 for. 充电可用性的结合, speed of charging and actual miles driven should be cross referenced to what the electric 车辆 manufacturer specifies. All of these considerations can help you decide if an electric 车辆 is the right fit for you.


如果你购买一辆电动汽车,a 状态 Farm®代理 would be happy to provide a quote and discuss any questions you may have about 电动车pp王者电子官网.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.









Find out how your car or truck rates in our annual auto insurance ratings — and how it will affect your premium.


汽车 repairs cost drivers $1,118 per year on average, but some can be done at home.


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