
With simple definitions for complicated insurance terms, 国营农场® is 在这里 to help you determine the right type of car insurance 报道.

What types of auto insurance 报道 are right for you?

pp王者电子官网 报道s come with different limits 和, in some cases, deductibles. These 报道s also offer different levels of financial protection.


碰撞的报道 helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it overturns or collides with another vehicle or object.


全面的覆盖 helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it's damaged by something other than a 碰撞, 包括盗窃, 火, 破坏公物, 或者打动物.


责任pp王者电子官网 支付另一方的医疗费用, 车辆维修, 和 property damage if you were responsible for the accident.

没有pp王者电子官网 & 机动车辆pp王者电子官网不足

If you're injured in an accident caused by someone who doesn't have enough liability insurance or any at all, 没有pp王者电子官网 & 汽车pp王者电子官网不足 helps pay for medical expenses, pain 和 suffering, 和 lost wages. This 报道 may also help pay for your property damage when another (at-fault) driver hits you 和 doesn’t have enough insurance, 或者根本没有pp王者电子官网.


医疗支付范围 helps pay medical 和 funeral expenses if an insured person is injured or killed in an accident.


If you drive for rideshare companies like Uber or Lyft, we offer competitively-priced ridesharepp王者电子官网 for drivers 和 passengers for 国营农场 Auto insurance customers.


紧急道路服务覆盖范围 can help you get moving again — fast — whether it’s a tow or a roadside repair like a flat tire.

Car 租赁 reimbursement 和 travel expenses 报道

租车报销范围 helps pay the cost of renting a replacement vehicle while your car is in the shop. Travel expense 报道 helps pays for meals, 住宿, 和 transportation if you're in an accident more than 50 miles from home.

Frequently asked questions about auto 报道

而“全覆盖”并没有定义, it can mean having a package of 报道 that provides you with the protection that meets your needs. It can mean you have both liability 和 physical damage 报道, like 全面的碰撞 报道. Keep in mind t在这里 are optional 报道s like 租赁紧急路边服务 你也可以考虑一下.

碰撞pp王者电子官网 covers the repair or replacement of your vehicle if it overturns or collides with another vehicle or object. 它需要一个免赔额.

综合pp王者电子官网 covers a vehicle that’s stolen or damaged by such things as 火, 风暴, 冰雹, 洪水, 盗窃, 破坏公物, 下降的对象, 和/或打动物. damage to another’s property or medical bills. It requires the cost of a policy addition. 它可能需要一个免赔额.

Coverage options, deductibles, 和 discounts 是否会影响您的保单成本, along with such things as your driving history, credit score (w在这里 permitted by law), 以及其他第三方报告.

发现如果 别人开你的车 然后出了车祸.

我们的额外的 拼车司机覆盖范围 simply extends the 报道 that you already have on your personal 国营农场 auto policy. It also provides protection on top of the 报道 that may be maintained on your behalf by the Transportation Network Company (TNC).

You’ll receive the protection offered from your personal auto policy, 包括限额和免赔额. You’ll get the same protection levels extended while you are on the app.


T在这里’s a 州立农场代理 nearby ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



Looking for help protecting your vehicle? 你来对地方了. 文章从 简单的见解 draw on over 100 years of 国营农场 knowledge.

Please remember that the preceding descriptions contain only a general description of available 报道s 和 are not a statement of contract. All 报道s are subject to all policy provisions 和 applicable endorsements. 覆盖范围可能因州而异. To learn more about auto insurance 报道 in your state, contact your 州立农场代理.

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